Cancer-Focused Health Screening
Detecting cancer early can greatly increase your chances to recover from cancer successfully. ICS offers a core Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Package where various cancer screening tests are conducted in Singapore to identify early cancer signs at affordable costs.
To give a holistic overview of your current health status, the packages combine the cancer screening results with detailed analysis from an expert Medical Oncologist Specialist.
ICS also offers more specific screenings should there be any anomalies found present in the initial cancer screening results.
Our screening packages may be recommended more regularly depending on your health conditions and medical history.
Our Screening Packages
Early detection can increase your chances of a full recovery. Feel free to let us know your concerns, such as any symptoms, changes in your body, medical history and/or any unusual results from previous scans. Our specialist team will stand ready to assist you in regards to the costs as well as process.
Most patients with lung cancers are asymptomatic until it spreads. As such, it is rare for those with early-stage lung cancer to show any symptoms.
With the improvements in Low-Dose CT scans, getting ahead of the world’s deadliest cancer has become much easier while also reducing the risk involved in radiation exposure.
Lung Cancer Screening Package
SGD 999
excluding GST
Medical Specialist Consultation
Detailed Medical History Analysis
Low-Dose CT Scan
Chest X-Ray
Detailed Body Composition Analysis
Core Screening Package
SGD 798
excluding GST
Medical Specialist Consultation
Detailed Medical History Analysis
Resting ECG
Chest X-Ray
Ultrasound Abdomen (Male)
Ultrasound Breast (Female)
Detailed Body Composition Analysis
Optional Add-On Services
Bone Mineral Densitometry
Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD)
Coronary CT Scan / Calcium Scoring
PET Scan
Ultrasound Carotid
2D Echo
Satisfied Patients
Nationalities Served
Years in Operation
Years Of Combined
Medical Experience
Cancer Treatment Options
Medical Specialist Consultation
As part of this specialised Cancer Screening package, our experienced and qualified senior medical oncologist in Singapore can analyse and explain your cancer screening results to you.
Detailed Medical History Analysis
When interpreting your results, our Specialist will analyse and account for your Medical History in detail. This helps provide you the holistic overview of your results.
Blood Tests
A comprehensive range of tests will be conducted with your blood sample to detect any possible signs of cancer.
Resting ECG
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a quick and simple way to evaluate your heart. Electrodes connected to an ECG machine are placed at certain points on your chest, arms, and legs, before the electrical activity of your heart is measured, interpreted, and printed out. This test in usually performed in 10 minutes.
Chest X-Ray
Chest X-Ray’s primary function is to detect abnormalities in your heart, lungs, and bone tissue. By combining results from the other cancer screening tests and the Chest X-Ray results, our team can offer a thorough overview of your current health situation.
An ultrasound uses sound waves that move through the body to produce images of soft tissue inside the body. There may be specific preparations required for certain area of your body being examined. For example, abdominal ultrasounds typically require at least 8 hours of fasting until after the examination, while pelvic ultrasounds would usually require around 1 litre of fluid to be consumed at least one hour before the appointment. Don’t worry about the specifics of the preparation, as we shall advise you on the specifics before your test.
We Make A Difference Together
Every patient is a human-being first and foremost.